Discernment Team January Update
Your discernment team’s journey toward finding that person who God is calling to be our new rector is advancing rapidly. We are working on a key area of the process, creating our Parish Profile.
Each of the parishioners on the team has been writing and rewriting key areas of the profile – our history, parish, stewardship, leaders, who we serve both within the parish and through outreach and so much more. Not an easy task given the wealth of information and ideas that we each want to share. This should be a book, and maybe some day it will be, but for now we need to keep it short and focused.
The Parish profile will be posted on our newly designed web site. It will be one resource for potential candidates and we hope it will also inform and inspire anyone who is seeking to learn more about St. Luke’s Church. In addition to the written text we will be including photographs to better tell our story. It will come as no surprise that we have, literally, thousands of photographs of the parish, worship, events and building, but if you have a special photo that you think would be effective in telling our story, please be sure and contact Dave Proctor. There is a strong desire to also include a professionally developed short video clip about our church home.
We greatly appreciate the guidance and support of Reverends Doris Westfall and Paul Williams and we are renewed each Sunday when we, as one body in Christ, share our prayer for discernment. Many thanks to all for your prayers and support as together we write the next chapter in the book about our beloved parish.
Dave Proctor
Discernment Team Member