ST. LUKE’S is an open and inclusive community: whoever you are, and however you identify, we welcome you here. As Episcopalians, we worship a loving, liberating, and life-giving God, grounded in tradition while engaging with an ever-changing world. We seek to live a faith that is thoughtful, compassionate, and joyful. We embrace this journey of spiritual discovery together, supporting one another and our world. Please join us!

We are a community of worshipers who find love and meaning in our ancient yet still relevant liturgy.

We are an inclusive community of people from every walk of life who find purpose and joy in one another.

We are a community of seekers and questioners, deeply curious and engaged in finding the Holy Spirit in its many forms through readings, lively conversations, and action in our community.

We are a community of do-ers. We believe in doing the work of the Holy Spirit that makes a positive impact on the lives of everyone around us.


Our Vision Statement
Recognizing our call to proclaim by word and example The Good News of God in Christ, striving for justice and peace among all people and embracing our diversity as a strength, we, the people of St. Luke’s Church, honor our past to move into the future.

Learn more about what we believe >


9 a.m. – The Holy Eucharist, Rite Two Service & Sermon with music. Morning Prayer is offered on the first Sunday of the month

Additional services offered:
We offer observances throughout the church year such as those held during Advent, Lent, and Holy Week, as well as the occasional Evensong or Evening Prayer service.

Other special celebrations and opportunities for worship include the Blessing of the Animals on the Saturday closest to St. Francis Day, our All Saints’ celebration, and the Blessing of the Backpacks. Check out for Worship page for current offerings.

Child Care
For children through age 5 is offered on program year Sundays, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m, in the Undercroft; during the summer nursery hours are 8:45 – 9:45 a.m.

NOTE: For special events and holiday child care check the homepage under the This Week section.

Contact St. Luke’s

Parish House Office:
118 South Main Street 
Granville, Ohio

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – NOON

(740) 587-0167


St. Luke’s Church
107 East Broadway – P.O. Box 82 
Granville, OH 43023

Click here for directions