Membership Committee News
A wonderful time was had at our Wise Women’s gathering last month. We enjoyed sharing snacks, beverages and stories. Thank you to all that brought contributions for our Market Street Pantry. In addition to fellowship, we packaged 1500 feminine hygiene products for our female clients at the Market Street Pantry. Thank you to everyone who contributed as well as the Poling family for transporting the items to the pantry.
The Membership Committee would like to extend a huge thank you to the entire congregation for your generous contributions to our college freshman care packages. We had more donations than ever as well as several handwritten notes to each of the six freshman. We are so blessed to have a parish family that surrounds our youth and sends such love from home. Six packages were mailed to our recipients from Ohio to Pennsylvania to North Carolina, Indiana and Oregon! Thank you for participating and giving to this ministry.
Patty Myers
Membership Chair