Transitional Priest in Charge Report

Transitional Priest in Charge Report

February 11, 2019

The Annual Meeting of the parish was February 3, 2019 with a good attendance. There were 100 in attendance for worship and 75 stayed for the meeting.  Thanks to Geoff and Diana Wilson for providing lunch. The slate of new vestry members (Pat Ford, Patty Myers, Kim Zaborniak, Wendy Flowers, Galen Kendrick, Brad Koehler, Liz Barringer Smith) was approved by acclimation.  This brings the total vestry number up to twelve as is required by the By-laws.

In my Annual Address I proposed the formation of six task forces to look at areas which could have an effect on the operating income and expenses of the parish.  The task forces are: Financial Long-Term Planning, Facilities, Fundraising, Marketing, Membership Engagement, and Stewardship. As of February 10, two people have stepped forward to be on Finance, one person on Facilities, one on Fundraising, four on Marketing, none on Membership Engagement and John Gustafson has agreed to chair the Stewardship task force.  An article in the newsletter and personal invitation by me will be forthcoming. I am hoping the task forces will have 4 to 5 members on each, pulling in additional people as needed for projects or research. It is very important that St. Luke’s shows an active engagement and addressing of the financial challenges for candidates considering coming to St. Luke’s as the next rector.  To do so from a wholistic perspective shows additional understanding of the nature, work necessary, and solutions possible to the financial issues being faced.

The Finance Committee met on February 10 and will be meeting every other month through 2019.  Pastoral Care Committee met on February 5, and will be meeting quarterly and is investigating how referrals of people in need of care could be more efficiently communicated.

The Spiritual Gifts class continues to go well.  It will be ended on Saturday February 16 with a morning retreat.  Mary Tuominen and I will be meeting with each person to look over their inventory and interests and make some recommendations where their gifts might appropriately fit, both here in St. Luke’s as well as in the community.  There is sufficient interest from others that couldn’t attend the first offering to offer a second class and Mary and I are looking at possible times to do so.

The Vestry will meet in retreat Friday evening, March 1 from 7:00 -9:00 pm and Saturday, March 2, from 9:00-2:00 pm (locations to be announced).  Vestry responsibilities will be reviewed and Appreciative Inquiry (a model for working together and planning) will be discussed.

Lara Benschoter