
We celebrate America’s independence every July 4th. Our patrons at the Market Street Pantry (MSP) seek independence too – independence from hunger. MSP Volunteers do their best to help facilitate this independence but it’s more difficult than usual every July and the rest of the Summer as well. During the Summer, many of us get to take a break from our routines and go on vacation. Not so for our MSP clients.   Unfortunately, hunger doesn’t take any breaks. We’ve learned by experience that staffing the pantry is a challenge this time every year. So, we try to compensate by appealing to the good will of our current volunteers. We also ask for new volunteers to come in and give it a try. 

As the old saying goes: THIS  COULD  BE  YOU!!

You can work as few hours or as many hours as you want. In addition to helping client’s shop, you can choose instead to run our laptop and check our clients in. For this purpose, you will be trained to use the MSP program and to review documentation for eligibility. This is a good choice if you are at ease and effective communicating with people.

For further information contact Mary Lucas-Miller:

Lara Benschoter