Health & Wellness In February
The third annual Winter Solstice Healing Service was held on Saturday, December 21, at 7:00 pm. The candlelight service was led by Fr. Michael and included prayers, music, anointing of holy oil by Fr. Michael and Fr. John Kauffman to those desiring blessing, and the lighting of candles by those remembering loved ones and for special intercessions. Over 40 people attended the ecumenical service which was once again organized by Dr. Jimi James.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Parish House. A dedicated group of parishioners knits (and sometimes crochets!) prayer shawls and lap robes for those who might be going through a particularly difficult time and may need a visual reminder of comfort and support from their St. Luke's family. Anyone is welcome to drop in anytime and knit and form new relationships. Further questions about the group may be directed to Celeste Nichols or Janet White
The Health and Wellness group continues to ask for nominations of Ministers in our Midst. These are members of our St. Luke's family who quietly go about their life of individual ministry by the way they live their lives and contribute their time and talent to make St. Luke's and the greater local community a better place. If you know of such a person and wish to nominate them, you may send your recommendation to Courtley Bentley at or to Shelly Morehead at
The Health and Wellness Ministry meets quarterly. The next meeting will be February 9 after the 11:00 am service in the Parish House. All are welcome! Come join us as we work toward better health of body, mind, and spirit for all.