Health & Wellness Ministry In August

The activities of the Health and Wellness group have been radically altered in the last several months due to the global pandemic, as all the ministries of our St. Luke's family have. Some of the members of the group participated in making masks and distributing them to various groups and individuals in the Newark-Granville area, our St. Luke's folks of a certain age, local food pantry workers and clients, and various groups in Columbus, Zanesville, Cincinnati, the Navajo Nation, and anywhere else a need was identified by any of the 30-plus ladies who sewed hundreds and hundreds of masks. 

Several of the HWM members also contributed to the weekly Tuesday newsletter that was sent out earlier in the pandemic to provide information and resources on various topics to help people adjust to new realities in work, school, recreation, and communication.

Going forward, the Health and Wellness group will begin work on an update of our analysis done last year of the group's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This is being done at the request of the vestry. We will also gather either remotely or in a socially distant format to brainstorm how we can effectively operate and serve our St. Luke's family in the new age of Covid. And finally, we will begin an outline of a 5 year plan for our ministry. 

This sounds very ambitious, but the goal is to simply identify how we can best be utilized during this unprecedented time. (I swore to myself I was not going to use this word again, but the enormity of what we are all going through right now just sometimes leaves me at a loss for words). We are respectfully asking our St. Luke's family to share any ideas or needs you may have in the area of health and wellness, and we will do our best to address those needs within our group.

In the meantime, until we can all once again gather and give hugs, please be safe. Be healthy. Wear your mask. Stay socially distant. And be kind to yourself and each other.


Lara Benschoter