Who We Seek

This profile includes those qualities we believe to be the most important to our members and the future of our church. They are grouped under several broad categories. We recognize the challenge and limitations of creating such a list as well as the challenge that potential applicants face in interpreting our ideas and how they may apply to their skills set and interests. For us, this list is a starting point from which further discussions can take place. We look forward to these conversations.


We seek a rector who...

  • is committed to and skilled in engaging a parish with a broad church culture characterized by compassion, exploration, service, and intellectual engagement.


We seek a rector who …

  • will reach diverse groups of people through intellectually, experientially, non-partisan and engaging sermons for an articulate, educated congregation.

  • is skilled at addressing the broad church and differing theological perspectives within worship.

  • shares our love of music and values and supports the role of music in the worship service and beyond.


We seek a rector who ...

  • takes their own spiritual journey seriously and gives time and attention to prayer, self-care and spiritual practice.

  • has the ability to lead and encourage others in the formation and development of a deeper spiritual life.

Leadership and Leadership Development

We seek a rector who ...

  • is a dynamic, collaborative leader with extensive experience in identifying, encouraging, equipping and supporting lay leaders.

  • displays warmth and humor and who can make caring connections with individual parishioners.

  • listens attentively to all voices and helps connect and engage those whose voices may not be as readily heard.

  • is skilled in helping identify common goals.

  • is an experienced parish priest who will be a competent administrator of the church's affairs including the ability to appropriately manage and delegate responsibility.

  • is skilled in communication.

  • values our rich history and traditions while creating excitement for exploring new pathways.

Pastoral Care

We seek a rector who …

  • is skilled in developing and sustaining small fellowship opportunities that deepen friendships and spiritual growth and strengthen reliance and trust in one another.

  • is skilled in pastoral care and can empower lay leaders for pastoral care and outreach to serve others.

  • can foster an environment that cares for and engages a variety of constituencies in caring and productive relationships.

Church Growth

We seek a rector who...

  • can fulfill their ministry by helping us to reach new people, deepen our spiritual lives, develop our financial generosity, and continue to care for and share our resources.

  • will join us in promoting our growth as a welcoming, inclusive and loving community.

  • can help ensure that new members are incorporated into the life of the church.

Community Involvement and Outreach

We seek a rector who...

  • will live in and become a part of our community.

  • will build upon our rich heritage of service both within the church and in the community, and who will remain faithful to our baptismal vows to strive for justice and peace among all people.

  • is skilled in developing and supporting church ministries both for those in our church and in the community.

We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of our invitation to explore together this exciting possibility. We are confident that the Holy Spirit will guide our discernment team and candidates in a successful search process and call.

Thank you,
The Discernment Team on behalf of the Vestry and Parish of St. Luke's Church

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