Church School In January

Children's Education January Happenings - Happy New Year!  

Thank you to all the families and individuals that participated in the Christmas Pageant - both behind the scenes and up on stage! A fun time was had by all and we hope you enjoyed the Christmas story told by the animals in the stable.

In 2020 the children's education program will explore stories that help us to get to know Jesus during Epiphany. We will look at Biblical stories about Gifts, Baptism, Jesus calls the Disciples and Fisher of Men.

3 Classes This Month: January  6, January 12, January 26

NO CLASS: January 19th - Meet in the Undercroft for Happy Hour


  • Children Pk- 6th grade will meet upstairs in the Parish House at 10 am. If your preschooler would like to attend church school, please attend with them to ensure they feel comfortable in a multi-age group setting. Thank you!

  • MS and HS kids meet at 10 am for snacks and activities on the 1st floor of the Parish House.  

Our program is growing and we need a little help in the new year! There are several ways you can help: 

  1. Volunteer as a parent helper - about 3 times a month we need a parent helper.  It is important that we have this additional adult to help with transitions, crafts, and setting up snacks.  

  2. Volunteer as a class leader or co-leader - We also have a need for additional leaders who will help as our program grows in size.

  3. Sign up to provide Sunday snack for the children's classes

  4. Sign up to host a youth event this Spring

  5. Organize the nursery once a month

Please consider signing up once a month on our sign up genius:


  • Acolyte training - assist in the liturgical service as gift bearers, torch-bearers, crucifers, readers

  • Confirmation class - coming this Spring for 8th and 9th graders (details to follow soon)

Lara Benschoter