Health & Wellness Ministry
APRIL 2019
The final session in the Lenten series on Holy Living/Holy Dying, presented in conjunction with Adult Education, will be April 7, 2019 during Coffee: Grounds for Discussion. The guest speaker will be Lauren Stevens of Lifeline of Ohio, who will be speaking on organ, tissue, and eye donation from a faith-based perspective. Please join us for an interesting and informative session.
The Prayer Shawl group continues to meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Parish House. Everyone is welcome! Bring your knitting, crocheting, hand stitching to create prayer shawls for those who might be facing challenging times.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, April 28 for the Spring Nature Walk led by Dr. Jimi James. More details on time and location will appear in the weekly ‘This Week’ at St. Luke's.
Another date to reserve now is the annual Family Bike Ride on Sunday, June 2. This is a fun event for all ages and skill levels-and it ends with ice cream!
The next meeting of the Health and Wellness Ministry will be May 19, immediately following the 11:00 am service in the Parish House. All are welcome. If you have an idea or a need relating to health, whether physical, emotional, and/or spiritual, and you would like to see a program or event related to it, come and share your thoughts at the next meeting!
Shelly Morehead
APRIL HEALTH TIP: Genuine Ways You Can Help