Church School

Children’s Education In May

Sunday, May 5, at the 9:15 am service the Christian Education program will present an Instructed Eucharist. This is a program that Mother Doris has shared with us from her previous work. The Instructed Eucharist includes brief explanations as we work our way through the order of worship, which we have been studying this year in Church School. We hope you will join us for this special event!

On Sunday, May 12, we will celebrate Mother's Day with a reception for Mother Doris in the Undercroft.

The Children's Education program will wrap up on May 19 with the program year ending and we will host an Open House in the Parish House (upstairs).

We invite you to come over and see the beautiful space and work that we have created this year! The works include hand-made miniature chasubles, materials representative of the order of worship, and the liturgical calendar puzzle and necklace.

Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported this wonderful St. Luke's ministry for the next generation of our congregation.  

May Calendar:

  • Saturday, May 4 – 10:00 am - noon Instructed Eucharist rehearsal, Sanctuary

  • Sunday, May 5  -  Join us for an Instructed Eucharist at the  9:15 am service

  • Sunday, May 12 - Mother's Day Reception, 10:00 am - Undercroft

  • Friday, May 17 - All ages GAME NIGHT, Undercroft, 6:00 pm -8:00 pm -- Please bring your favorite "old school" game and a snack to share

  • Sunday, May 19 - Last day of the program year – 10:00 am - Open House in the Parish House!

  • Sunday, May 26 - 8:00 am & 10:00 am services start -- Memorial Day Weekend

Lara Benschoter