Health & Wellness Ministry

MAY 2019

The Health and Wellness Ministry, in collaboration with Adult Education, sponsored a series of topics pertaining to Holy Living/Holy Dying during the Lenten season for Coffee: Grounds for Discussion. Speakers included Rev. Doris Westfall, Deacon Mary Raysa, Jonathan Smith of Hospice of Central Ohio, and Lauren Stevens of Lifeline of Ohio. Attendance at these presentations averaged 24 per week, and feedback from those in attendance was overwhelmingly positive. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 pm in the Parish House. Come and bring your knitting, crochet, or hand sewing project that you wish to work on for a specific person who may be experiencing a challenging time, or add your finished project to "the stash" that we are accumulating so that St. Luke's may remember a member in a special way when they most need some support, encouragement, and prayer. 

Dr. Jimi James is planning a Spring Nature Walk on Sunday, April 28. She is currently walking several trails to choose the best for all ages and abilities. Jimi leads us in appreciating God's beauty during this time of year as we observe and identify wildflowers, trees, and wildlife. These walks are always educational and inspiring!

A few members of the Health and Wellness group are investigating interest in starting a Healing Prayer Circle. More on this idea and other events and projects will be shared at the next regular meeting of the Health and Wellness Ministry on Sunday, May 19, immediately after the 11:00 am service in the Parish House. Everyone is welcome to come to these quarterly meetings. Our goal is to improve the health of each of us and of our St. Luke's family!

MAY HEALTH TIP: Spiritual Care for Spiritual Distress

Lara Benschoter