June Parish News
Pictured: Mary Raysa and Jimi James were inducted into the St. Simeon and St. Anna Society on May 1 at the Proctor Center in London, Ohio.
John Cassell was honored as one of Granville’s Veterans and rode in the Memorial Day Parade on May 27!
We had to say good-by to The Reverend Doris Westfall on May 26 and will welcome The Reverend Michael Ralph in August.
Granville Boys and Girls do great in the Licking County League-Buckeye Division track meet.
Granville's girls track team won its fourth consecutive Licking County League-Buckeye Division title. Penny Hunter, daughter of John Hunter and Karen Goodell as well as Thomas Scheetz, son of Mike and Michelann Scheetz participated in the Licking County League. Check out the Newark Advocate article here
We give thanks…
for the life of Joseph Parini, father of Gregg Parini, and we pray for God’s comfort for the Parini family and friends.
for the life of Randy Fannin, husband of Nancy Hamblin-Fannin, and we pray for God’s comfort for his family and friends.
for the life of Robert William White, father of Janet White, and we pray for God’s comfort for the White family and friends.
We welcome…
Sue Bushman, to St. Luke’s. Sue and her husband John, recently moved here after 52 years in three suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. And now they are back in there home state having lived in the Mount Vernon/ Gambier area. She enjoys traveling, model trains and reading. Please look for her at the 11:00 am service!