Market Street Pantry

“ The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.”
- George Bernard Shaw

In Spring and early Summer, a lot of our energies go to our gardens. Some grow vegetables and provide fresh food to nourish our bodies. Other gardens are flowering and provide beauty which nourishes our souls. For many of our clients the Market Street Pantry is their “garden” and for some it is their only garden. We provide them with needed food and try to lift their spirits.  

The pantry trip goal is for each family member to get enough food to provide them three meals a day for four days. They can come once a month plus three additional emergency visits per year. All of a typical client’s food sources including Market Street are very important to them as the grand total they receive still comes up short of basic nutritional needs. This is especially true since food stamps have been cut so much. Please help us by volunteering and/or placing your food donations in the back of the Church. Tuna fish, canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables and soups are all good choices.

1) We are looking for an additional volunteer to be trained as a backup on our laptop to check clients in at the pantry.

2) The pantry is also in need of someone or a couple to clean the premises for a few hours once a week. This can be a volunteer(s) or a paid professional.

To learn more, contact Mary Lucas-Miller:

Lara Benschoter