Health & Wellness Ministry News
JUNE 2019
Dr. Jimi James once again led a group of St. Luke's folks on a beautiful and informative Spiritual Spring Nature walk on Sunday, April 28, at the Denison University Biological Reserve. It was an exceptional afternoon of learning about wildflowers, birds, trees, habitat, and all wrapped within the beauty of God's gifts of nature around us.
The Prayer Shawl ministry group has faithfully met on the first and third Thursdays of every month and finished their program year on May 16. They will take the summer off and resume their twice-monthly gatherings in the Fall. Celeste Nichols continues to lead this group. We thank her for her dedication and leadership-and beautiful knitting skills! If you or someone you know is in need of a special handmade shawl while they are experiencing an especially challenging time in their life, please contact Celeste or another member of the group
The third annual Family Bike Ride will be held on Saturday, June 1 at 10:00 am. Both bike riders and walkers are welcome to participate. Instead of meeting at the church (to avoid the Farmers Market traffic) we will meet in the parking lot of the Granville Dance Academy, 454 S. Main Street, Granville. We will head west and return to the Dance Academy after about an hour trip, then head up to the Undercroft for ice cream.
All ages and skill levels are welcome to join in this fun activity!
Discussions are continuing and information is being gathered for A Healing Prayer Circle and for Yoga classes. Programs for this coming fall and winter are also being planned. Please come and bring your ideas and your friends to our meetings! The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Sunday, August 11, immediately after the 10:00 am service in the Parish House. Also, if there is a health-related program or event you wish to see offered at St. Luke's, come to a meeting or contact one of the HWM people. We are always open to providing our St. Luke's family information that promotes health and well-being.
JUNE HEALTH TIP: Migraine Misconceptions