Health & Wellness Ministry News

The Health and Wellness group has had two meetings this summer under the guidance of Courtney Baxter Bentley. She has been leading us in visioning exercises to plan the future of our Health and Wellness Ministry and how to best serve the needs of our St. Luke's family. The results of the meetings will be shared with the congregation this fall. In the meantime, we are "trying out" our new tag line Caring for Body-Mind-Spirit and looking forward to sharing our summer's work with Fr. Michael at a September meeting, details to follow.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry begins the new program year on Thursday, September 19 at 7:00 pm. We will gather in the Parish House with our knitting needles, crochet hooks and yarn, ready to share our talents, tips, and stories. While we were on summer break, Janet found a pattern for prayer pockets. This is a perfect project for folks who are learning to knit or crochet, or just not ready to commit to making a full shawl. We have a supportive group of crafters. Most of us are still learning. Our experts are always happy to help the rest of us with our tangles and other needling problems. If you've been thinking about joining us, now is the time! Prayer Shawl Ministry meets regularly on the first and third Thursday of each month during the program year.

Dr. Jimi James will once again lead St. Luke's on a Fall Spiritual Walk on a Sunday afternoon at the Denison Preserve. Date and time will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

The next meeting of the Health and Wellness Ministry will be Sunday, September 29 after the  Sunday service and social hour. The meeting will begin at approximately noon and last one hour. All are welcome, so please join us!

HEALTH TIP: Back To School Prayers

Shelly Morehead
Health and Wellness Ministry - Chair

Lara Benschoter