What Do Friendly Visitors Do?
The following words from congregation Beth El in Vorhees, New Jersey nicely capture the spirit and intentions of St. Luke's Pastoral Care Committee.
Bikur Cholim, visiting the sick, is a term encompassing a wide range of activities performed by an individual or a group to provide comfort and support to people who are ill, home bound, and/or otherwise in distress. Bikur Cholim can include such activities as: visiting patients in a hospital, rehabilitation center, or nursing home; visiting people who are restricted to their homes; transporting those who are ill or impaired on errands or field trips; providing telephone contact and reassurance to those who are ill or home bound.
As I considered these words, I realized that Bikur Cholim reflects not only primary Jewish but also Christian values: In Leviticus 19:18 we read “And you shall love your neighbor as yourself”. And as Christians we remember Jesus' words from Matthew: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” By fulfilling this role, we deeply enrich both our lives and the lives of those we visit.
What kinds of things do Friendly Visitors do?
Visiting a patient at home, in a hospital or nursing home.
Bringing food to a family with an ill member or to a home with a new baby.
Driving someone to a medical appointment.
Bringing the Eucharist to a member at home, in the hospital, or a nursing home.
Saying prayers together or on behalf of the ill.
Sending cards to members who have had a loss, are ill, or are celebrating a milestone event.
This support continues until the recipient no longer needs the services. If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving the services of St. Luke's Pastoral Care Committee, contact the Parish Office at (740) 587-0167 or Wayne Piper at (614) 296-6988 or wwp1946@gmail.com
Wayne Piper
Pastoral Care Committee Chair