Statement From The Vestry During The Election Year
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Election years, especially presidential elections, are typically fraught with emotion. This particular presidential contest is even more divisive than usual. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we feel it is incumbent upon us to remind ourselves and our fellow members of St. Luke’s that “so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:5)
One of the joys of belonging to the Episcopal Church is that we gather under a big umbrella that can hold multiple points of view. Please bear this in mind as you post on your social media accounts and hold conversations with Parish members. And as the election results become available, please remember that no matter who wins, some of us will be joyful, while others will be sorrowful.
As we return to sharing the Eucharist, the grace given to us through the body of Christ, we take great delight in once again confirming the eternal love of our Lord for ourselves and for each other.
Yours in Christ,
The Vestry of St. Luke’s