Halloween Pet Parade, October 25
Join us at Opera House Park, 2:00 pm
You and your pet are invited to take part in a Halloween Pet Parade! We all need a moment of levity right now – and who doesn’t love their pet? Put aside your larger concerns and come on down to the Opera House Park at 2:00 pm on Sunday, October 25.
Costumes for both pets and their people are optional but appreciated. Participants will parade up and down the Broadway sidewalk and reassemble at Opera House Park for some yummy treats of the animal and people variety. Father Michael Ralph from St. Luke’s Church will end the hour with a special blessing for all four-legged and two-legged creatures. All participants and parade-afficionados must practice social distance and wear masks – but get creative and make them be part of your costume!
For more information, contact St. Luke’s Church at 740-587-0167 or office@stlukesgranville.org. Bring out your wild side!