Ministers In Our Midst
The Health and Wellness Ministry recently initiated a new program titled Ministers in our Midst. The purpose of this program is to acknowledge those among us who quietly go about their life by sharing their gifts, whatever they may be, without need for recognition or accolades. It may be one who drives a neighbor to chemo appointments, or delivers dinner for someone just home from the hospital, or visits an elderly friend or parishioner on a regular basis, or offers help in any number of small ways that make the recipient's life better. The acts of kindness and compassion are done without expectation of reciprocation. These people may live within our St. Luke's family or the wider local community.
Our only acknowledgement will be a simple card of thanks, and an angel medallion to accompany the person through their day. We are all better because of these Ministers in our Midst.
If you know of someone who fits this description, please nominate them by sending their name to Courtney Bentley at, or to Shelly Morehead at, with a brief reason for the nomination. The Ministers in our Midst will be simply acknowledged at the end of the program year.