Pastoral Care Wants To Know

The pandemic of Covid-19 has changed and challenged the way we as members of St. Luke's interact. Before lock down, we were able to exchange news about events in our lives and the lives of others during friendly conversation before or after worship or during coffee hour. We learned of the passing of family members, the illness of a friend, or the welcome into the world of a new child or grandchild. Communication of significant events was considerably easier then than it is today.

One element of the mission of St. Luke's Pastoral Care Committee is its card ministry. Cards signed “From Your St. Luke's Family” are sent to congratulate the arrival of a newborn, to share in mourning the passing of a loved one, to wish a speedy recovery in times of illness, and to offer words of encouragement to someone in need of cheer.

In these days of limited face-to-face communication, you can help the Committee maintain this element of their ministry. If you experience one of the events mentioned above in your life or the life of a family member, and if you would like to know that St. Luke's family is holding them close in friendship and prayer, please contact Wayne Piper at 614-296-6988 or It's just one way we can maintain unity in our parish until that much anticipated day when we can all be together again in our beautiful sanctuary.   

St. Luke's Pastoral Care Committee

Lara Benschoter