Earth Day Celebration

Hallelujah! Christ is risen! And St Luke's is rising into the light also! Expect this Sunday's service to have a surprise for young and old alike, but you have to be there to know what it is. Then the gathering after the service is a little different also. First, the Undercroft white board will be displaying photographs of birds at feeders and around walking paths. Second, there will be watercolors of plants and animals that you might be seeing along Granville's walking trails. Third, if there is some young person who would like one of the watercolors they would be gifted! Expect to see a Spring Beauty and a robin to name two of them. Fourth, there will be muffins, orange juice and coffee. And then stay for an interesting conversation between St Luker's about Earth Day.  

The 52nd Earth Day is this week April 22nd. We knew we had a problem developing on our planet 52 years ago and our progress on resolution has been in the wrong direction. In fact, NATO's climate report in March 2021 looks at the current status as "one of the defining challenges of our times." has a wealth of information on how to get involved to change the course of our planet toward a nourishing, nurturing, sustainable habitat. To help us gain perspective, St Luke's Wendy Flowers, Karen Goodell, Danyelle Phelps and Jimi James will have a 'Holy Conversation'. They will share how they have been drawn to nature, what endeavor they have taken on, and then all of us will talk about what we might do as a faith community or individually.

Living our lives as Christians is an ongoing task of awakening and reawakening and reawakening until our calling is discerned. Please join us in the birding, water coloring, munching and conversation. It is our world. 

Jimi James

Lara Benschoter