Prayerful Service, December 21
Prayer • Belonging • Hope
In a culture that pits “the perfect Christmas” against the against the realities of life, we sometimes forget that illness, death, war, and other sorrows were as much a part of Jesus’ time as they are ours. The Solstice service acknowledges that pain and suffering are real during this time of year. It gives us holy ground and beloved community to be honest about the situations that we sometimes hide or deny. And it calls us to love our neighbors and strive to live toward light.
For the 7th year in recognition of tradition, St. Luke’s in Granville, will offer a Solstice Spiritual Healing Service. This year, with wars abroad, countless innocent lives lost, and division in our own country, our need to gather and support one another in prayerful community is especially great. On the longest night of the year, let us be “honest to God” about these sorrows and remember that we are all in this human life together. As we look toward more light returning to the world, we will turn to God in hop and expectation, and pray for strength, guidance, and renewed vision and action to truly see each other and act as the neighbors and human family that God calls us to be.
Join us December 21 at 7:00 pm in person or online via zoom.