December Events At St. Luke's
December 1
A Celtic Advent, Coffee Hour
Plan to join us for a coffee hour in the undercroft this first Sunday of Advent. Liz Weiser will present an Advent lesson to start our season of hope.
Join us for a quick session on ways to spend Advent preparing for the coming of Christ into the world. We’ll use a workshop from the National Cathedral to look at six aspects from Celtic spirituality as a template, and you’ll leave with group ideas and a guide for your own personal plan of preparation for Christmas. Facilitated by Liz Weiser.
December 8
A Candlelight Remembrance & Evening Prayer Silent Prayer at 4:00 PM, Liturgy at 5:00 PM
On Sunday, December 8th, 2024, St. Luke's Church, Episcopal will hold a candlelight prayer service at 4:00 pm in the evening. This service will be held in conjunction with Worldwide Candle Lighting Day to remember those who have lost a child. Beginning at four, the sanctuary will be open for silent prayer. A candle altar will be available to light a candle in memory of loved ones lost. At 5:00 pm, Father John Kauffman will lead an Evening Prayer service. Coffee and f refreshments will be available in the Undercroft following the service.
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day is held the second Sunday of December. Worldwide Candle Lighting Day was created by The Compassionate Friends organization in 1966 at the Warwickshire Hospital in England. A chaplain by the name of Simon Stephens had brought together two sets of grieving parents who had just lost their children. He realized the support they gave one another was more than he could do to ease their pain.
December 13
Movie Night in the Parish House – White Christmas!
Join us for an evening of holiday cheer when we view the classic, White Christmas, staring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney. We will gather at 6:30 pm and the movie will begin at 7:00pm. Bring a snack to share and BYOB.
Just a reminder, the Parish House is yours to share with your family and friends. It’s the perfect spot for St. Luke members to host their own gathering or movie night during the holidays. Contact Dagny at the church office to reserve.
December 15
Server Training (change of date from Dec 1st)
One of the most meaningful ministries as a lay person can be to participate in the service on Sundays as a Server. The Server assists the clergy during worship at the altar by performing tasks like carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, presenting the bread and wine for communion. Deacon Mary Raysa is offering a 30-minute training, immediately following the 9:00am service on December 15th, for those interested. Please let Deacon Mary know of any questions as well as your interest.
Patty Myers
Senior Warden