Seeking Goodie Bag Donations
The volunteers at the pantry would like to give away goodie bags to customers the Saturday before Christmas (December 21). Santa Claus will be on hand to give out these bags to men, women and children.
We would greatly appreciate any donation of men’s or children’s gloves. We are hoping to have at least 70 pairs of men’s gloves and 25 children’s gloves. We are also looking for wrapped candy!
We realize many of St. Luke’s parishioners have already given to the Angel Tree, but this is worth the extra “ask”.
If you can donate, please bring them to the Parish House, Church (A collection box will be in the Narthex) or contact Dagny Gelormo and she will arrange a pickup. The volunteers plan to stuff the bags by December 20. / 614-506-3218
Thank you in advance!
Dagny Gelormo