Annual Meeting, February 25
You are invited!
St. Luke's Annual Meeting: Sunday, Feb. 25, at 10 a.m.
Join us at the 2024 Annual Meeting for a quick look back at 2023 and a longer look forward to 2024. We'll supply brunch — you supply the energy and joy we find in community!
Vestry nominees for the 2024-2027 term are Karen Goodell and Henry Zaborniak.
Notice is hereby given of the Annual Meeting of St. Luke’s Church, Granville Ohio on Sunday, February 25, 2024. This meeting will be held in person. The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to elect Vestry members; to receive reports by the Vestry officers, and organizations of the Parish; and to conduct any other business that can properly come before the meeting.
A Nominating Committee has been formed by the Vestry; whose members will place a slate of candidates for Vestry before the Annual Meeting. The congregation will be electing two new members to Vestry. The terms of 2 members of the Vestry: 2024, 2025, 2026 and expire as of the Annual meeting.
Article I, Section 3 of the Code of Regulations of St. Luke’s defines Communicants in Good Standing as follows:
All communicants of St. Luke’s Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving financially to St. Luke’s Church, are to be considered communicants in good standing. This determination shall be made by the Wardens.
Article II, Section 1E
Persons eligible to vote in the Annual Meeting shall be those sixteen years of age or older who have been Communicants in Good Standing, as verified by Church records, for not less than six months preceding the day they wish to vote. A list of eligible voters, compiled by the Parish Administrator and Wardens, and approved by the Vestry, shall be available at the meeting. Ballots will be distributed only to eligible voters.
According to the by-laws of the parish, Article II, Section 1E, those eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting are found here.