Granville Ecumenical VBS Snacks Needed

Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 14, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Snacks are needed for St. Luke’s Host snack day (see list below).

Each church is asked to host a snack day. St. Luke’s has been designated Monday, June 10th.

St. Luke’s is looking for either food or monetary donations for our host day.
Snacks List:

  • Fresh fruit, whole or sliced (apples, clementines, grapes)

  • Cheese cubes, sticks, ranch dip, hummus, cream cheese

  • Crudité platter or bags of cut veggies (carrots, celery, peppers)

  • Granola or fruit bars (nut free if possible)

  • Crackers, pretzels, cookies, goldfish, mini bagels, pastries

The Undercroft is reserved from 9 am – 12 pm during VBS for shelter, in case of rain or bad weather.

Lara Benschoter