Annual Meeting, February 23

Notice is hereby given of the Annual Meeting of St. Luke’s Church, Granville, Ohio on Sunday, February 23, 2025. There will be a 9:00 am celebration of the Holy Eucharist that morning, and the luncheon and meeting will take place immediately following the service. The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to elect Vestry members; to receive reports by the Vestry officers, and organizations of the Parish; and to conduct any other business that can properly come before the meeting.

A Nominating Committee has been formed by the Vestry, whose members will place a slate of candidates for Vestry before the Annual Meeting. The terms of 3 members of the Vestry: Patty Myers, Cherie Holland and Michele Layman expire as of the Annual Meeting. The congregation will be electing three new members to serve three-year terms. 

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Lara Benschoter