Meet Our Next Rector

Dear St. Luke’s family,

AMEN! I am thrilled to accept your call to be your next rector! When I read your profile that shared who you were, I saw WHOSE you are! You used headings such as “belong, serve, think and grow, worship, and come together.” You all are incredible! How you share your heart for God with each other and the community is beautiful. Thank you! I have also discovered that y’all (I am originally from Charleston, South Carolina) are a lot of fun, too! Through deep prayer and discernment and the incredible moving of the Holy Spirit, I saw our hearts for ministry being brought together.

I shared with the search committee and vestry that Jesus did not arrive and immediately send the people that he encountered out into the world. Jesus ate WITH, shared stories WITH, taught WITH, healed WITH, and then sent the disciples to share the GOOD NEWS with all they encountered. WITH is the key, my friends. Jesus’ modeling of discipleship is my heart for our ministry together at St. Luke’s, Granville. I am excited to learn who St. Luke’s has been, who St. Luke’s is now, and who God calls St. Luke’s to be. I want to meet you, hear your stories, hear your gifts for ministry, and empower us to BE the church in the world!

Our world may seem chaotic and frightening for many right now. I hope that by rooting ourselves in the Holy Scriptures, watering ourselves in constant prayer, and tending our words and actions to be aligned with the vows that we made at baptism, God will help us grow and go out to love and serve God’s people and God’s creation. We have everything we need WITH God and WITH each other. We were made for such a time as this. AMEN?!

Again, I am thrilled to join the St. Luke’s family. Thank you for your continued prayers for our church and our world. I can not wait to meet you all.

God’s Peace,

Lara Benschoter