Lent & Holy Week Schedule
Tuesday, March 4, Shrove Tuesday 5:30 pm
Pancake Supper at Trinity Episcopal, Newark
St. Luke's has been invited to join Trinity for their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake/ Mardis Gras Celebration
Wednesday, March 5, Ash Wednesday
12:00 pm, This service will be held at St. Luke's Church with the Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes
If you can't make the service, Trinity Episcopal, Newark will hold their service at 7:00 pm.
Sunday, March 9, The First Sunday in Lent
9:00 am, St. Luke's Church
Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday - The Sunday of the Passion
10:00 am, St. Luke's Church (Note time change)
Thursday, April 17, Maundy Thursday - Foot Washing
7:00 pm, St. Luke's Church
Friday, April 18, Good Friday
12:00 pm, St. Luke's Church
Sunday, April 20, Easter Day (Note time change)
10:00 am, St. Luke's Church