Health and Wellness Ministry News
The Health and Wellness Ministry group has news and upcoming events to share with the St. Luke's family:
1. The next regular meeting of the Health and Wellness ministry will be February 10, 2019, immediately following the 11:00 am service in the Parish House. Everyone is welcome to attend these one-hour meetings and bring your suggestions and ideas to help us participate in the ongoing goal of improving our physical, emotional, and spiritual health at St. Luke's.
2. Our Spring Spiritual Nature Walk at Dawes Arboretum, led by Dr. Jimi James, is scheduled for Sunday, April 28, 2019. Mark your calendars now for an enriching and fun afternoon for all ages.
3. Prayer Shawl knitting classes continue the first and third Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 pm in the Parish House. Anyone may join this group at any time. All you need are basic knitting or crocheting skills and a desire to create something special for someone going through a challenging health event who also needs extra prayers.
4. The Holy Living/Holy Dying workshop, originally scheduled for October 2018 and cancelled due to insufficient numbers at the time, has been rescheduled as a series for Coffee: Grounds for Discussion during Lent, in collaboration with Adult Education. These programs will begin on Sunday, March 10, and will include presentations by Rev. Doris Westfall, Deacon Mary Raysa, a representative of Hospice of Central Ohio, Bill Hoekstra of McPeek-Hoekstra Funeral Home, and a representative of Lifeline of Ohio. These programs bring together a wealth of information from local community resources that is pertinent and timely for all of us. Please join us!