The Martians Are Coming

The month of March is named after Mars, the god of war to the ancients. At Market Street Pantry we are waging war on hunger. We’d like to invite you to join us as we are busy in this fight and can always benefit from new volunteers. You can volunteer for two hours just one day a month or more often if you wish. Here are some good reasons to want to do this:

  1. Hunger hurts and the need is big.  Many of the jobs available nowadays are part time and/or temporary and without benefits.  As a result many of the working poor still can’t buy enough food for their families.

  2. The clients will make your day.  Some will offer to volunteer at the pantry to help their fellow clients.  Others say things like “you are a Godsend to us” and “ you give us dignity.”  Still others will tell you “I only take what I need.”

  3. You’ll smile at yourself afterwards.  Helping those in need will give you a lot of self satisfaction.  Most of our volunteers tell us they really feel good about working at Market Street.

  4. It’s the right thing to do.  You’ll be doing God’s work.  Jesus told us that helping the poor and the hungry is the most important work we can do as Christians.

Note:  Your food donations are also appreciated.  We can always use more peanut butter, and canned goods including tuna fish, meats, vegetables and fruit.

For further information contact Mary Lucas-Miller:

Lara Benschoter