Health & Wellness Ministry
September News…
Members of the Health and Wellness Ministry recently met on 2 Sundays via Zoom with our vestry liaison, Senior Warden Ginny Sharkey, in order to assess and plan what our ministry will look like going forward in the "new normal" age of Covid-19. The importance of finding ways to communicate with our St. Luke' family and continue to serve them with their health and wellness needs were discussed in depth.
Plans to bring some of our group's annual events to St. Luke's again in a different format, as well as brainstorming possible new ways in which to bring new resources to our folks that will benefit individual and community health, are ongoing.
Our first meeting of the upcoming year will be Sunday, August 30, at noon via Zoom and will last one hour to one hour and a quarter. A link will be provided to join the Zoom meeting ahead of time. We invite all who are interested in the health and wellness of our St. Luke's family, as well as the wider local community to join us. If you have questions or ideas, you may contact Shelly Morehead or any other member of the HWM group.
Usually in the space following the Health and Wellness Ministry monthly news, a one page flyer on a timely topic is attached. This month, in place of that short flyer, we would like to share an app that has been developed recently that is a wealth of information relating to the coronavirus. It is called Covid Coach. It includes resources in the areas of mental and physical health, links to science-based resources such as Johns Hopkins and the Veterans Administration, topics like yoga, meditation, statistics on state and national cases.
Check out this app, COVID Coach, free on the App Store and Google Play!
For Android Devices, click here.
For iOS Devices, click here.
Shelly Morehead
Health & Wellness Ministry Chair