Seeking Care Package Donations...

Each year, the Membership Committee asks St. Luke’s parishioners to help send a message to our freshmen college students by way of a care package.

You’ve donated candy, popcorn, pens, pencils, ramen (of course!), mac and cheese and a host of other goodies that helps let these first-time college students know their church family cares about them.

This year we have six college freshmen and we are not about to let COVID deter our plans! We don’t want you shopping, so the Membership Committee asks if you are able, to make a small monetary contribution. The committee will use the funds to purchase the requisite snacks and supplies and send off the packages. You can mail a check to the Parish Office with “Care Package” in the memo line or donate through online through the e-giving platform (select “Donate” on the website, then “Other Giving” and indicate “Care Package.”)

Our deadline is September 15 – thanks for your support.
St. Luke's Membership Committee

Lara Benschoter