Accepting Vestry Nominations

Process for Vestry Nominations:
By our bylaws, we must elect our new vestry members at the Annual Meeting. This usually happens when outgoing Parish members and a few others form a Nominating Committee to bring forth candidates. Instead, we want to make this as inclusive as possible by making this a self-nominating process, (or you can nominate a friend, with their permission). Vestry members must be members in good standing by attending services and offering regular financial support. If you are interested in throwing your hat in the ring, please email me at We'll also take nominations from the floor that day! This year we have two positions to fill. I hope we have a real humdinger of an election!

In closing, I want to say a word about being on the Vestry. Especially in the absence of the rector, this is a group of people who keep St. Luke's on a path to not only survive, but to thrive. And as we have come through this last year especially, we are harnessing our creativity, thinking outside the box, and putting every option on the table. If you have a passion for St. Luke's (or you only like us a lot:)) and you have some energy and want to work with a group of fun people who are problem-solving by the seat of their pants, this is a great place to be.

Yes, we also have things, like the Parochial Report, that we have to accomplish, and often there are not easy answers to difficult questions, but we are getting pretty good at focusing our attention and time on the things that matter most. I urge all of you to consider joining us. This is rewarding work that makes a difference. Thank you.

Yours in gratitude!
Senior Warden

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, February 20, right after the 10 am service

Lara Benschoter