Pastoral Care Updates: January 2022

The current surge of the Covid pandemic has prompted Ginny Sharkey, as well as Fr. Kauffman, Deacon Mary, Wayne Piper, and Mary Tuominen (in their Pastoral Care Committee roles) to discuss alternative ways to meet the pastoral care needs of St. Luke’s parishioners. People receiving pastoral care are generally more vulnerable to COVID, therefore it is especially important that we do everything we can to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

To that end: Clergy Eucharistic visits/services at Kendal/Otterbein will be postponed until it is safe to provide these in person once again. Clergy pastoral care will be available to all parishioners in emergency situations: e.g., hospital visits, administration of last rites, burials. If you are in need of one of these or another emergency service, please call the church office at 740-587-0167.  

Lay Pastoral Care will, for the immediate future, be limited to phone calls and emails rather than in-person visits. If you are not already receiving Lay Pastoral Care visits, or if you would like your name or the name of a family member added to St. Luke’s Prayer Chain either phone the church office at 740-587-0167 or contact Wayne Piper at 614-296-6988 or

We will continue to monitor the situation with everyone's safety in mind. Please continue to watch your email for future updates. And continue to take good care of yourselves until we can all be together again.

Lara Benschoter