Sharing Our Stories
Dear Saints,
I am so grateful for the welcome you have given me so far! We get to know each other, and I get to know you as a faith community, just as we seem to be getting a little respite from Covid. Let’s take the opportunity and run with it!
We are offering a series of get togethers so that we can reconnect, get to know one another better, and listen for the holy in each other. I invite you to pick one of the gatherings below that best fits your schedule and your needs. At these gatherings, I invite you to share a short story about a specific time you have seen God show up in this community or in your life in a way that influenced your faith. Of course, sharing is optional. Come join us aswe reinvigorate and build our community.
To facilitate conversation, we’ll limit each small group to 10 participants. Days and places are as follows.
3/22 Tuesday 7:00-8:30pm: Patty and Keith Myers’ home
3/24 Thursday 7:00-8:30pm: zoom gathering
3/28 Monday 1:30-3:00pm: Wayne Piper at Otterbein/Kendal (not limited to Otterbein/Kendal residents)
4/2 Saturday 10-11:30pm: zoom gathering
4/4 Monday 7-8:30: Ginny and Greg Sharkey’s home
God shows up for each of us differently, and sometimes in some pretty creative disguises. Come and share, come and hear. Your story matters!