MSP Needs Saturday Volunteers

The Market Street Pantry is desperately looking for Saturday volunteers. If you could volunteer once a month, every other month, once a week, every other week, or even once a year, the pantry could use the help. The hours are from 8:30 am – 11:30 am.
It takes at least 6 volunteers to operate on Saturday. Currently the same 5 volunteers come every Saturday and when one or sometimes two have something else planned, the rest of the volunteers are scrambling. The pantry has had to close on several occasions due to not having enough volunteers to operate it safely. Sadly, this leaves our customers in Newark without food.  The positions that we need require no heavy lifting and several are seated positions. We need greeters and customer service volunteers.
If you are interested, please call, or email the Parish Office at or 740-587-0167, or email Dagny Gelormo. The pantry uses Signup Genius to volunteer.  Go online to St. Luke’s website - and scroll down to ‘A Place to Serve’, find the Market Street Pantry and click on ‘Volunteer’. Find the position you would like to volunteer for.
Your support will be greatly appreciated for this very important ministry of St. Luke’s.
Dagny Gelormo

Lara Benschoter