News From The Senior Warden

St. Luke was truly smiling on us this past Sunday as we gathered to celebrate St. Luke’s Day in his sacred namesake. Father John Kauffman, Deacon Mary, and Reverend Lee Anne Reat led a beautiful service, surrounded by old and new friends of the St. Luke’s community.

We also took the opportunity to celebrate the recent restoration of the chancel area, made possible by the dedication and generosity of Bill Wilken. His contributions brought the pulpit, lectern, railing, flooring, pilasters, and walls back to life. In recognition of Bill's work, we presented him with a bronze plaque, which will be affixed to a pew. These improvements will assist in providing our sacred worship space confidently into the future.

Following the service, we enjoyed a delicious brunch, lively music, and a joyful gathering that continued in the undercroft and the newly remodeled Parish House, which is available for all members of the St. Luke’s community to enjoy.

It was a day of fellowship, gratitude, and celebration, reminding us of the spirit that binds us together.

Patty Myers
Senior Warden

Lara Benschoter